We decided to do this by using a 32 bit VM, which could be moved to another server at a later date.
- Install VMWare Player (Ensure networking is enabled during installation)
- Download a 32 bit ubuntu ISO (or 32 bit Debian)
- Create a new VM from the ISO.
- Enter VM and establish your ipaddress.
- Add hudson repo to /etc/apt/sources
deb http://hudson.gotdns.com/debian binary/
- Install Sun JDK
apt-get install sun-java6-jdk update-alternatives --config java update-alternatives --config javac
- Install Tomcat
Modify /etc/tomcat/tomcat-users.xml and addapt-get install tomcat6 apt-get install tomcat6-admin
<user username="admin" password="" roles="manager,admin"/>
(or add a password and add password to ~/.m2/settings.xml)
Set Tomcat security off
Increase Tomcat default memory allocation in /etc/defaults/tomcat6sed -i "s/TOMCAT6_SECURITY=.\+/TOMCAT6_SECURITY=no/" \ /etc/default/tomcat6
JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx1024M -Xms1024m"
- Install Hudson
apt-get install hudson
- Change Hudson port and ajpport by editting /etc/init.d/hudson to add
HUDSON_ARGS="--httpPort=8081 --ajp13Port=8102"
- Install Apache
apt-get install apache2 a2enmod proxy a2enmod proxy_http
- Setup /etc/apache2/httpd.conf (or similar)
- Install Maven
apt-get install maven2
- Configure Hudson
- setup smtp
- set MAVEN_HOME to /usr/share/maven2
- set email from address
- set url to ip address
- Download GWT toolkit 1.7.1 and extract then install gwt-dev-linux.jar to your local repo
mvn install:install-file \ -DgroupId=com.google.gwt -DartifactId=gwt-dev \ -Dversion=1.7.1 -Dclassifier=linux \ -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=gwt-dev-linux.jar
- Add individual projects to Hudson
servername hudson
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8081/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8081/
ProxyRequests Off
<Proxy http://localhost:8081/*>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all