Ellie couldn't sleep and had noticed that the digits of the 8 times table decline, in the way that the digits of the nine times table always add to nine.
Explore in Haskell
We will need a generator for a times table series
times n = [n * x | x <- [1..]]
*Main> times 3
just the first 12
take 12 $ times 3
We want each number as a list of its digits:
listdigits n = if n < 10 then [n] else (listdigits (n `div` 10)) ++ (listdigits (n `mod` 10))
*Main> listdigits 12345
Add the list together
sumdigits n = sum $ listdigits n
*Main> sumdigits 12345
what we are after is a single number, so recurse
onedigit n = if n < 10 then n else onedigit $ sumdigits n
*Main> onedigit 12345
now we can repeat for as far though the times table as we want, we expect repeated nines for the nine times table:
do_of n l = map onedigit (take l (times n))
*Main> do_of 9 100
the answer to Ellie's original hypothesis, the eights do repeatedly decline:
*Main> do_of 8 100
Next we want to display this and other series...
Setup Haskell Plotting
Plotting is not simple, plotting in Haskell is worse. Setup separated into its own post as it took a while.
Once plotting is setup:
main = do plotListsStyle [Title "Multiplication Series Reduced - For Ellie"] [(PlotStyle LinesPoints $ DefaultStyle x , (onedigit_tuple x)) | x <- [2..9]]
we get:

Customise the line labels:
main = do plotListsStyle [Title "Multiplication Series Reduced - for Ellie", YLabel "Reduction", XLabel "Times"] [ (PlotStyle{plotType=LinesPoints, lineSpec=(CustomStyle [LineTitle $ show x])}, (onedigit_tuple x)) | x <- [2..9]]

The whole program
import Graphics.Gnuplot.Simple listdigits :: Integer-> [Integer] listdigits n = if n < 10 then [n] else (listdigits (n `div` 10)) ++ (listdigits (n `mod` 10)) sumdigits :: Integer -> Integer sumdigits n = sum $ listdigits n onedigit :: Integer -> Integer onedigit n = if n < 10 then n else onedigit (sumdigits n) onedigit_tuple :: Integer -> [(Integer, Integer)] onedigit_tuple n = [(x, onedigit( n*x ) ) | x <- [1..19]] main = do plotListsStyle [Title "Multiplication Series Reduced - for Ellie", YLabel "Reduction", XLabel "Times", Key $ Just ["outside"]] [(PlotStyle{plotType=LinesPoints, lineSpec=(CustomStyle [LineTitle $ show x])}, (onedigit_tuple x)) | x <- [2..9]]