User Story
As a third line support engineer
I want to be able to go to the server class that throws an exception reported by a client
So that I do not need to look for the stack trace in the server logs
Client code
if (responseCode != 200) {
throw new TaskException(
"Error occurred while processing the scan response: " +
"response code: " + responseCode +
" response body: " + responseContent.getResponseBody());
Server code
if (null != header && header.startsWith(BEARER)) {
String token = header.substring(BEARER.length()).trim();
try {
final Jws jws = Jwts.parser().setSigningKeyResolver(jwtPublicKeyResolver)
} catch (JwtException ex) {
String errorMessage = "Invalid JWT token. ";
setError(httpServletResponse, errorMessage + ex.getMessage());
This results in the following being reported by the second level support agent monitoring the client logs:
[Error occurred while processing the scan response : response code: 401 response body: Invalid JWT token. Error accessing publickey Api]:
What we, as Third Line Support, want is to know which server class throws the exception, ideally without grepping the code base or opening the server logs.
A better Exception message would be:
[Problem with scan response: status code: 401, body: com.corp.server.validation.JwtValidator.validate() line 72: JWT token Exception: Error accessing Public Key API]
This is the motivation for the StackAwareException, a wrapper exception which adds the class, method and line number of the first element of the wrapped exception's stack trace.