Tuesday, 11 September 2012

HTC Desire Android will not power off - SOLVED

My HTC Desire lost the ability to power off. Holding down the off button would send it to sleep, but the power down menu no longer appeared.

Initial googling suggested that this was due to an update, but as my wife and i have the same model on the same network I thought that unlikely.

I found the answer here Lost power menu (Android Revolution HD™ 6.1.1), it is described as an odd bug in 6.1: the issue with this can be resolved by activating secure credentials. go to settings, security and check use secure credentials and you'll be able to access your power menu again

Goto Settings/Security/Use secure credentials
(This will only be available if you have set a password for the credential store)
Check Use secure credentials.
Magic: power down now works.
you can uncheck it again and it continues to work.

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